Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Great Sand Dunes National Park

Susan and I took our third cross-country drive recently. There's no end to the natural beauty in the U.S. We were delighted by landscapes as varied as the lush rolling cornfields of Iowa and the stark desolation of Death Valley. Last year we visited White Sands National Monument and loved it, so we included more dunes this year. The most magnificent are those in Great Sand Dunes National Park in southern Colorado, the tallest in North America at up to 750 feet. We were fortunate to be there for sunrise one morning. It was a very exciting time.
Sunrise, Great Sand Dunes and Sangre de Cristo Mountains

Even in full sun, the dunes are beautifully sinuous. Hiking on them isn't easy but gives you an appreciation of their size (you can see hikers in the lower right corner).
Great Sand Dunes National Monument

Great Sand Dunes 2

The effects of sand movement are also visible at small scale. This is a small "avalanche" of sand flowing down the lee side of a dune from the crest.
Sand Flow on Dune Crest

Only small amounts of vegetation exist in the harsh environment of the dunes.
Dune Plants


  1. Beautiful shots Dean. Thanks so much for sharing!

  2. Dean,
    Definitely your photos are the quality of fine art. I look at these and think about the smooth flow of terrain depicted by O'Keeffe. In these wonderful scenes you have definitely captured the play of light on these beautiful forms. I love the scene of the dunes below Medano Pass with the early morning lighting.

    Thanks for you blog and sharing your wonderful adventure.

    1. Thanks, Bill. The dunes at sunrise is one of my favorites, too. Worth getting up at oh-dark-hundred.

  3. I love them all, but sand flow is incredible!
